The Nag Hammadi Library

*** = Writings avoiding “Jesus” by at least 10:1


·         The Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles      3 mentions of “Jesus”

·         Allogenes                                                         a non-Christian Gnostic text

·         The Apocalypse of Adam       A Sethian Gnostic text, probably no Christian connection

·         The (First) Apocalypse of James                                             ***

·         The (Second) Apocalypse of James                                        ***

·         The Apocalypse of Paul   A Christian-Gnostic work re Heaven & Hell, no Christ figure 

·         The Apocalypse of Peter                                                         ***

·         The Apocryphon of James:                                                     ***

·         The Apocryphon of John                                                        ***

·         Asclepius 21-29                                              A non-Christian Gnostic Coptic text

·         Authoritative Teaching                       A non-Christian semi-Gnostic treatise on the Soul

·         The Book of Thomas the Contender                                      ***

·         The Concept of Our Great Power                                           *** but is docetic

·         The Dialogue of the Savior                                                     ***

·         The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth   A Gnostic, Hermetic, non-Christian document

·         Eugnostos the Blesse                                                              ***d*

·         The Exegesis on the Soul                                                        ***

·         The Gospel of the Egyptians*                                                ***

·         The Gospel of Philip                                       It references Jesus many times

    The Gospel of Thomas:                                   It also references Jesus many times

·         The Gospel of Truth:*                                     It references Jesus several times

·         The Hypostasis of the Archons            A non-Christian Gnostic tractate re Adam & Eve…

·         Hypsiphrone                            A short, deteriorated Gnostic text, apparently non-Christian

·         The Interpretation of Knowledge                                           ***

·         The Letter of Peter to Philip     A Gnostic-Christian tractate that refers to Jesus frequently

·         Marsanes                                                         A Sethian Gnostic text, non-Christian

·         Melchizedek                            A Gnostic-Christian tractate that refers to Jesus frequently

·         On the Anointing                    A short, 7-line Gnostic-Christian text, mentions Jesus

·         On the Baptism (A)                            A short Gnostic-Christian text, mentions Jesus

·         On the Baptism (B)     Mentions Christ once, no “Jesus,” but too short to seek avoidance

·         On the Eucharist (A)                           Short Christian text, plenty of “Jesus

·         On the Eucharist (B)                           Presumably as above but too short to tell

·         On the Origin of the World* Gnostic-Christian tractate; 1 “Jesus,” 2 ;”Christ”; little more

·         The Paraphrase of Shem                     Long Gnostic tractate, no Christian influence

·         Plato, Republic 588A-589B    A non-Christian, possibly Gnostic, version of a Plato excerpt

·         The Prayer of the Apostle Paul     A short Gnostic-Christian prayer, does not avoid “Jesus”

·         The Prayer of Thanksgiving                    A Hermetic Gnostic prayer, non-Christian

·         The Second Treatise of the Great Seth  A docetic Gnostic-Christian text, slightly avoids Jesus

·         The Sentences of Sextus             A Hellenistic text slightly Christianized; no Christ figure

·         The Sophia of Jesus Christ                                                      ***

·         The Teachings of Silvanus                                                      ***

·         The Testimony of Truth          A Christian-Gnostic tractate, only slightly avoids “Jesus”

·         The Thought of Norea                          A brief Sethian Gnostic text, non-Christian

·         The Three Steles of Seth                      A brief Sethian Gnostic text, non-Christian

·         The Thunder, Perfect Mind                A semi-Gnostic non-Christian poetic text

·         The Treatise on the Resurrection A Christian-Gnostic text, scarcely avoids “Jesus”

·         Trimorphic Protennoia                                                ***

·         The Tripartite Tractate                                                ***

·         A Valentinian Exposition  A Christian-Gnostic text, uses “Jesus” 10 times; docetic or not?

·         Zostrianos                                                                   ***