Nighttime Observations by B. Brand

Nighttime Observations

Liberal Translation of Write-up by Bernadette Brand
in FIGU Bulletin #46 (Schmidrüti, Switzerland: F.I.G.U., Feb., 2004)
by J. W. Deardorff, April 2011

On the night of 29 to 30 June, 2003, I stepped out on my night watch as usual. My first route led me around the house to check whether all doors were locked. I noticed that the living room window was wide open and the night curtains not drawn, which was quite unusual. Thinking of the recent assassination attempt against Billy, I went back in and, after only brief hesitation, carefully closed windows and curtains, because I did not want that Billy, upon entering the room, should be like on a silver platter in the bright light. Then I continued my walk.

The night was very warm -- 20 degrees C -- shortly after twelve, and calm. I was just at the lower courtyard lamp above the fountain when a light wind arose that promised some cooling. Thankful for the wind, I sat myself down on the second lowest step of the metal staircase, which leads up from the ground, and enjoyed the pleasant night immersed in my thoughts. Shortly after I had sat down, I heard a noise from Eva's office and noticed that Billy opened the door to the corridor, turned on the light and looked out into the hallway. He came back into his office, abruptly closed the door and then opened it again, whereupon I saw the heads of two people in the dark, who stepped into the bright hallway. One of the two was slightly smaller than the other. Immediately the door closed again and I heard the key turning in the lock. "Aha," I thought, "Billy is now going into the living room. Good, then I will tell him about the window." So, I rose and continued my tour. After the next station, which took me behind the house, I went through the kitchen into the room where I presumed Billy to be. But no one was there. I was taken aback a moment and then thought that he was now probably in the bathroom, where I of course did not want to disturb him. There was still enough time left in my night watch that I would certainly see him later-- so, I continued with my rounds.

Soon I was back at the parking place and there was still a pleasant, freshening breeze from time to time. I took off my glasses and looked up at the very clear star-laden sky. And I had barely raised my head when I saw them already -- two traveling lights! The one moved quietly and smoothly from west to east, and the other was underway just as quietly and smoothly from southwest to northeast; thereby it appeared to me as if they had crossed immediately before I noticed them. I rushed out some thoughts of warmth and love to them, and watched them until they disappeared behind the tree tops that line the car park. Then, I continued my round, which I could then finish ininterrupted.

In the break between the two passages of the guard Billy was then out of the office and in the kitchen, and set me straight before I could tell him anything: Greetings from Quetzal to me, and shared with me that Florena and Elektra were on vacation for another two weeks. And he told me that Quetzal was with him in order to inform him that the security measures, which he had taken as prevention against the attacks on Billy, had worked perfectly. Also, he had to clarify a question related to the computer. I asked him then when Quetzal had been with him. He explained that between midnight and 12:30 he had been leaving from his visit, and said that maybe I could have seen something. I broke in about the two ships I had seen at 00.36 hours above the rear parking lot, telling him of the sighting. "By then they were probably already well on their way," he said.

So I took the second round of the guard under foot, and when I was again standing at the rear parking place in the dark, at 01:44, I once again saw a single ship that moved as a tiny point of light, pretty much from south to north. This time I had the feeling that it involved a telemeter disk, but nevertheless I sent out my greetings to this "flying star." And hardly was I again on the way, when it occurred to me, as if scales fell from my eyes: Of course, it had been just 00:26 hours when I had sat down on the metal staircase by Eva's office and made my observation -- was it perhaps possible???

During the rest of my rounds I let go the idea that I may perhaps actually have seen more, this all the more because I had seen in the living room that Eva was obviously already in bed and no longer in Billy's office. Hardly could I wait to complete the round, while setting in proper order just what and how I wanted to ask Billy. And actually, he confirmed to me that I had actually had the unusual luck to watch as Quetzal and his companion left Billy's office after the 344th Contact. Contrary to my presumption, Quetzal's companion was not Zafenatpaneach, who is equal in height to Quetzal, but Tauron, who is actually somewhat shorter than Quetzal; this is how Billy clarified my conjectures. And also he confirmed that I probably had actually observed the ships of the two around 00:36 o'clock in the rear parking lot.

So really, I've had no more eventful a night watch than that for years. In my diary, however, I only wrote: Round 1 OK.; round 2 OK., and that was it for me, really.